One more week - a letter to my daughter

Here we are. One week away from my daughter being born!

What a wild ride pregnanacy has been. Well, not exactly for me… but for Courtney. For all those expecting dads out there, the only wisdom I can give to you, is be patient and listen. Pregnancy is both as amazing and beautiful as it is painful and challenging for Women mostly, and their partner. It’s hard to sit and watch your partner go through the struggles of pregnancy. Whether thats the morning sickness.. which for a lot of women is actually all day. Or just the tiredness that sweeps over them in the last trimester. It’s safe to say the house work has been kept up via sheer determination and will from yours truely.. and as much as I think I am clean… lets be honest here, I’m an adolecent boy at heart.

That all being said, I would like this blog to be a written note to my future daughter, which I have done breifly in the past but feel I want to continue to write her ‘letters’ that she will someday read. So here it goes.


To my little darling girl,

Right now, you are just about 9 months old in your mothers tummy. They say that during preganacy girls take their mothers beauty, but I can tell you she is as beautiful now as she ever has been, and ever will be. Although she probably doesn’t think so. Right now, she is walking around like a penguin.. the waddle you are giving her is kind of funny to watch if I’m being honest. But wowee, you are one week from entering this world.

Through this pregnancy you have grown so much in such a little space of time. 9 months! 9 months is all it has taken for you to now be 3 whole kilo grams! A mere fraction of what your father weighs, but hey, I’m working on slimming.

So what are you going to see when you first open your eyes. Well, I hope the first thing you see is your gorgeous mother Courtney. She will be mum to you, but she’s Court to me. Then I think you should just peer over to me, and hopefully not cry. It’s Movember and I am growing a luscious moustache to support mens mental health. Isn’t that great. Also, you will probably see our amazing midwife Nadine. She’s helped your mum through all the tough times she has been through in this pregnancy. Pregnancy is hard, but you are worth every second.

You are so loved and you are not even born! A wild thought to have, but one that is true none the less.

You probably have a few questions, seeing as though you’ve been baking in a human oven for a while. In which case, heres a few questions and answers I have written up to help you start life.

Why are you here?

Well, when a mummy and daddy love each other very much… Just kidding. Truthfully you weren’t planned, but you are a blessing that we received. Life isn’t about the plans you make. But rather the journey that you are on, and the steps it takes to get to where you’re going.

Wheres food?

Mummy’s boobs. Thats right. You’re going to drink from a boob.

Whos the guy with the moustache?

Yep thats me, Im dad. But I’m sure you will have figured that out by the time you can read this.

Whats next?

Now that is a question I am actually asking myself, and truthfully at the time of writing this, I don’t know. But I am so excited to learn with you and see you become the amazing human I know you are going to be.

Bubba, you are loved, you are safe and you are perfect jsut teh way you are, and will ever be.



So there you have it, a letter to my unborn daughter. Is that weird? I don’t really know, but it felt right. I want her here now! But patience seems to be the first thing your child teaches you before they even come into this world. I’m sure I have a lot more learning to go, but right now, I am in a headspace where I am expecting the unexpected. I don’t have a plan for eery step of the way, but rather want the plan to be built around our family, with love and support, every step of the way.

Anyway, thats enough loved up clucky writing for one evening. A few other things I need to mention before I got lost in the baby headspace.

I am releasing some merch baby! That’s right, MERCH! More on that to come.. but I hope you love it as much as I do. Keep your eyes peeled

Anyway, as always thank you for joining this journey with me. I love you, you’re amazing. See you soon.

Jack Millar


The world’s gone mad.