Who I am, and why Are you here?

Well, as you might have guessed if you’ve come this far, my name is Jack Millar, and you might know me from such shows as Married at First Sight 2022… and thats it. But what is the purpose of this website? And why have I gone to all the trouble to get you here? Let me explain.

In a galaxy far far away I sat in my bedroom in Vaucluse and was thinking of ideas of how I can bring my community together in an inclusive, and unique way. Enter this page. This website is built to share with you all of the things I am doing in my life, from the horses mouth (mine). I want this space to not just be a blog about me, but rather a place where we join to reflect on the beautiful places, things, dogs, thoughts, feelings, emotions and everything else this world has to offer. I want to share with you my experience of the world, although also want to hear about yours! Every week I will write and record a blog post where I deep dive a topic. I don’t know what topics I will write about yet, and to be honest, I don’t want to know! Because that is the beauty of this world. It’s full of surprises. I want to be guided by you with my learnings, and share with you what I find!

Jump into the journey of my life, and let me hear about yours! Be sure to get in touch via the contact form!

If you have gotten this far in this blurb, or even if you haven’t, just know that I am grateful for you, and everything you give to the world! I love you, and you are special!

Be happy, be humble, and have fun with me on this journey.